Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week of 12/17/12 - 12/21/12

This is the last week of the semester, and grades close on Friday. Students should check the most recent posting of their science grade report in class. Students should make note of any missing assignments or work they wish to make up. All late work is due by Friday!  This includes lab reports, projects, and test retakes.  Email Mrs. Kenner with any questions or concerns.

mid-term exam is scheduled for this Thursday. Students should review all study guides from the units covered this semester. The test contains 45 multiple choice questions. Topics on the test include atoms, periodic table, states of matter, and chemical changes. Students will be able to use the study guide they received in class on Monday.

Monday (12/17): Complete study guide
Tuesday (12/18): Complete study guide
Wednesday (12/19): Mid-Term Exam tomorrow! Lab report due Friday
Thursday (12/20): Conservation of Mass lab report due Friday
Friday (12/21): None

*Happy Holidays*

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of 12/10/12 - 12/14/12

We are beginning a new unit this week on chemical properties and chemical changes. This unit will last three weeks and will continue after winter break. During the unit, we will create and observe several chemical reactions in class labs and demonstrations. Students will learn about chemical equations, evidence of chemical change, the law of conservation of mass, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and balanced equations.

Monday (12/10): Retake unit test this week at lunch; Enrichment (extra credit)
Tuesday (12/11): Finish and review class notes
Wednesday (12/12): Workbook pg. 79-82
Thursday (12/13): Finish glue lab report
Friday (12/14): Review class notes from this week

Students will have a science midterm exam next week on Thursday, December 20th. Students should study using their study guides from each unit we have covered this semester.  The main topics on the test will include: parts of the atom, periodic table of elements, states of matter, physical and chemical properties, and chemical reactions. More information will be given in class this week. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week of 12/3/12 - 12/7/12

During class this week, students will construct molecular models and draw dot diagrams to demonstrate covalent bonding between nonmetals.  We will also learn about monomers, polymers, and NaCl.  

The final test for this unit will be this Friday, December 7. We will spend Wednesday reviewing and playing a vocabulary game as a class. Students may use these review notes on their test. Students who did not reach the big goal on last Thursday's quiz are encouraged to stop in during lunch this week for extra review.
       *Mrs. Kenner will be at Homework Center after school on Thursday

Monday (12/3): Begin studying for Friday's unit test; retake quiz at lunch
Tuesday (12/4): Content Vocabulary WS pg. 19 & 20
Wednesday (12/5): Enhance Vocabulary Bingo for your study guide
Thursday (12/6): Enhance Vocabulary Bingo and study for test!
Friday (12/7): Test today! Enrichment (extra credit) for HW