We are beginning a new unit on density and buoyancy. This week, students will continue learning about density and practicing how to use the density triangle. Students will complete three labs that require them to measure the mass and volume of liquids and solids in order to calculate density. They will also predict whether objects will sink or float based on their densities.
Monday (3/28): Density WS (front)
Tuesday (3/29): Density WS (back)
Wednesday (3/30): Reinforcement & Mastery WS pg. 17 & 11
Thursday (3/31): Finish "Float or Sink" lab report
Friday (4/1): None
Students in all classes did an excellent job on their forces unit test. Great job everybody! Here are the class averages:
- Astronomers: 81%
- Chemists: 82%
- Engineers: 84%
- Inventors: 84%
- Physicists: 86%