Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week of 12/13/10 - 12/17/10

This is the last week of semester one, and grades close on Friday.  Students will receive a copy of their most current science grade report in class on Monday.  They are required to share their grades with a parent or guardian, have it signed, and return it to class as soon as possible.  Students should make note of any missing assignments or work they wish to make up.  All late work is due by Friday!  This includes lab reports, projects, and test retakes.  Email Ms. TenBrock with any questions or concerns.

Our unit test on chemical changes and chemical reactions is this Wednesday.  We will review with a video and an interactive class Jeopardy game on Monday and Tuesday. Students are encouraged to stop in during lunch if they would like extra review. Students will receive a study guide on Tuesday that needs to be completed and returned to class on the day of the test. We will conclude the unit and the semester with a fun slime lab on Friday!

Monday (12/13): Chapter Review pg. 25 & 26; Signed grade report; Unit Test Wednesday!
Tuesday (12/14): Study Guide; Unit Test tomorrow!
Wednesday (12/15): Enrichment (extra credit)
Thursday (12/16): None
Friday (12/17): None

*Happy Holidays*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of 12/06/10 - 12/10/10

We will continue our unit on chemical changes this week. Students will learn about balancing chemical equations and the differences between exothermic and endothermic reactions. There will be a quiz in class on Wednesday. Students should review all new material from last week and Monday & Tuesday of this week.  Students will review with their partner during a challenge activity in class on Tuesday. We will demonstrate conservation of mass during a lab on Friday.

Monday (12/6): Finish Balancing Equations #1-10; Quiz Wed.
Tuesday (12/7): Balancing Equations Practice; Quiz Wed.
Wednesday (12/8): Quiz today; Workbook pg. 83-85
Thursday (12/9): Workbook pg. 87-89
Friday (12/10): Finish lab conclusions

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week of 11/29/10 - 12/03/10

We are beginning a new unit this week on chemical properties and chemical changes. This unit will last three weeks and will conclude with a unit test right before winter break. During the unit, we will create and observe several chemical reactions during class labs and demonstrations. Students will learn about chemical equations, evidence of chemical change, the law of conservation of mass, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and balancing equations.

Monday (11/29): Retake unit test this week at lunch
Tuesday (11/30): Workbook pg. 78-82 (due Thurs.)
Wednesday (12/1): Workbook pg. 78-82 (due Thurs.)
Thursday (12/2): Finish glue lab report
Friday (12/3): Review class notes from this week

Friday, November 19, 2010

Week of 11/22/10 - 11/26/10

The unit test is this Tuesday.  We will play a review game in class on Monday. Students may use the review notes on their test.  Ms. TenBrock will be available during lunch and after 3:30pm on Monday for students who would like to review.  Good luck!

Monday (11/22): Finish Vocabulary Bingo & Study for Unit Test!
Tuesday (11/23): Test today!  Enrichment (extra credit)
Wednesday (11/24): None

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of 11/15/10 - 11/19/10

During class this week, students will construct molecular models and draw dot diagrams to demonstrate covalent bonding between nonmetals.  We will also learn about hydrogen bonding, monomers, polymers, and NaCl.  Students will have the opportunity to grow their own crystals during a lab on Friday.

Monday (11/15): Workbook pg. 50-54 due today
Tuesday (11/16): Molecular Model lab due today
Wednesday (11/17): Review class notes
Thursday (11/18): Content Vocabulary pg. 19 & 20
Friday (11/19): Study for unit test!

The final test for this unit will be next Tuesday, November 23.  We will spend next Monday reviewing as a class.  Students who did not reach the big goal on last Wednesday's quiz are encouraged to stop in during lunch this week for extra review.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Week of 11/08/10 - 11/10/10

Students will be learning about ionic and covalent bonding this week in class.  To reinforce ionic bonds, students will complete a project that illustrates the ionic bonding of the compound magnesium chloride.  The project includes a poster and an essay.  All details for the project are explained on a handout given out on Monday.  The assignment is due on Wednesday and will be worked on during class Monday.

Monday (11/8): MgCl2 poster and essay due Wed.; Quiz Wed.
Tuesday (11/9): MgCl2 poster and essay due tomorrow; Study for quiz
Wednesday (11/10): Workbook pg. 50-54

Just a reminder - no school Thursday or Friday!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week of 11/01/10 - 11/05/10

We recently finished the unit on States of Matter.  Below are the results of the unit test.  Great work everyone!

CLASS                         BIG GOAL                TEST AVERAGE
Astronomers                       80%                                  80%
Chemists                             83%                                  83%
Engineers                            85%                                  79%
Inventors                             85%                                  85%
Physicists                            86%                                  85%

Our classes are starting a new unit this week called Combining Atoms & Molecules.  Students will learn to identify and count elements in a compound, compare positive and negative ions, draw ionic and covalent bonds, and construct molecular models.  Several labs and class activities will be included in this unit.

Just a reminder - all atom model projects are due this Tuesday, November 2nd.  Atom models must include a key for that element.  All projects need to have the students' names and class already on it before it is turned in.  Students may drop off the project in Ms. TenBrock's room before school on Tuesday.  Projects may also be turned in after school on Monday.  Students who are completing the PowerPoint portion of the project may either print it out and turn it in with the project grading sheet or email it to Ms. TenBrock by Tuesday evening.  

Monday (11/01): Project due tomorrow!
Tuesday (11/02): Project due today!  Review ion notes
Wednesday (11/03): Review ionic bond notes
Thursday (11/04): None
Friday (11/05): Bring colored pencils Monday

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week of 10/25/10 - 10/29/10

Monday (10/25): Study all class work from last week
Tuesday (10/26): Chapter Review handout; Study!
Wednesday (10/27): Enrichment (extra credit)
Thursday (10/28): Number of Atoms in a Formula handout
Friday (10/29): Atom Model, Atom Key, and PowerPoint due Tuesday!

* Benchmark #2 in class on Monday!

* States of Matter unit test on Wednesday!

* Ms. TenBrock will be in the library after school on Tuesday and Wednesday to help students research their element and create a PowerPoint for their project.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week of 10/18/10 - 10/22/10

We are starting a new unit this week on states of matter and physical changes.  It will be a short unit and will conclude with a unit test the following week.

Monday (10/18): Review all class notes from today
Tuesday (10/19): Science Workbook pages 59-62
Wednesday (10/20): Bring colored pencils today and tomorrow
Thursday (10/21): Phases of Matter: Understanding the Main Idea
Friday (10/22): Study all notes from this week

  • Benchmark #2 on Monday 10/25
  • Unit Test on Wednesday 10/27


On Friday, students were assigned the Atom Model Project.  Students received a handout in class that includes all information for the project.  Here are a few key details and examples of the project:

  • Due: Tuesday, November 2
  • Part 1 (450 points)
    • Work with a partner to create a 3D model of an atom
    • Accurately include all protons, neutrons, and electrons
    • Use materials from home (cotton balls, beads, foam balls, clay, wire, pipe cleaners, etc.)
    • Ms. TenBrock has some supplies students may use
    • Create a key to complement model
  • Part 2 (50 points) 
    • This part is optional, but is required in order for students to receive an A on the project
    • Independently (without their partner), students will research their element and create a PowerPoint to turn in with their model
    • Ms. TenBrock will be available to help with research and PowerPoint after school as needed

Congratulations to all the students for their hard work during our unit on atoms and the periodic table of elements.  Each class reached their big goal on the unit test last week! Great job - keep it up!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Week of 10/11/10 - 10/15/10

The periodic table poster and worksheet are due Monday, 10/11 and will be collected at the beginning of class.  Students worked on the poster in class on Thursday and Friday before break, and they are expected to complete the poster and worksheet during their week off.  All posters must include a title, the student's name and class, and the worksheet attached to the back.  Email Ms. TenBrock with any questions.

UNIT TEST - Thursday 10/14
This week we will finish our unit on atoms and the periodic table of elements.  We will review as a class on Wednesday, and students will finish their study guide for homework that night.  Ms. TenBrock will be available during lunch and after school on Tuesday and Wednesday for additional review.  The test is on Thursday, 10/14 and will cover all state standards, objectives, and vocabulary listed on the objective list that students received at the beginning of the unit.  Let's work hard to reach our big goal!

Monday (10/11): Bring colored pencils tomorrow
Tuesday (10/12): Finish periodic table class work; Study for unit test!
Wednesday (10/13): Finish study guide!  Study for unit test!
Thursday (10/14): TEST today! (No homework besides the extra credit)
Friday (10/15): Atom Model Project (more info. to come)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week of 9/27/10 - 10/01/10

Monday (9/27): Review isotope notes
Tuesday (9/28): Atomic Dimensions & Drawings WS
Wednesday (9/29): Bring colored pencils today
Thursday (9/30): Periodic Table Poster
Friday (10/01): Periodic Table Poster (due 10/11)

Before the furlough week, students will be assigned a Periodic Table of Elements project.  The project requires students to create a poster of the periodic table and complete a worksheet about it.  Students will have class time this week on Thursday and Friday to begin their poster, but they will likely need to finish it over break. The poster and worksheet are due in class on Monday, October 11.

A unit test on atoms and the periodic table is scheduled for Thursday, October 14 - the week after furlough.  Students are expected to begin studying over the break by reviewing their notes and classwork.  We will finish the unit when students return to class. Students will be given a study guide to complete in class the day before the test.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week of 9/20/10 - 9/24/10

This week we are starting a new unit on atoms and the periodic table of elements.  We will begin our week studying the structure of the atom and the arrangement of electrons. Students will also participate in a spectroscopy lab.  We will practice describing and determining atomic number and atomic mass.

Monday (9/20): Atom Quiz on Tuesday; bring colored pencils today and tomorrow
Tuesday (9/21): Atom Quiz today; bring colored pencils today and tomorrow
Wednesday (9/22): Bring colored pencils today
Thursday (9/23): Finish Lesson 11 Atom Packet
Friday (9/24): Finish Lesson 12 Atom Packet 

Congratulations to all students for their hard work preparing for the first unit test!  I was so impressed by the all of the high scores on the test.  Students are encouraged to come in at lunch or after school on Monday and Tuesday to review their test and retake any sections they would like to earn more points on.  Below is a list of test data for each class and students (science super stars) who reached their class' big goal.

  • Big Goal: 80%
  • Class Average: 88%
  • Super Stars: Daniel, Samantha, Andrea, Holly, Logan, David, Tyler, Kelly, Marissa, Anahi, Isela, Alicia, Brennan, Gabe, Nick, Ciara, Chris, Lynette, Bibiana, Anthony
  • Big Goal: 83%
  • Class Average: 84%
  • Super Stars: Servando, James, Hannah, Chris, Angie, Kelly, Jarra, Karla, Jazmin, Kyle, Hailey, Alex, Zoe, Dylan, Jesus, Jennifer, Nathan, Akilah, Niko, Luis, Vince, Nicole, Derek, Ryan, Reina, Fe
  • Big Goal: 85%
  • Class Average: 80%
  • Super Stars: Marco, Cole, Esmeralda, Jenni, Kelsea, Danielle, Oscar, Kevin M, Cormac, McKenna, Kevin T, Allison, Andrew, Edgar, Rafael, PJ
  • Big Goal: 85%
  • Class Average: 85%
  • Super Stars: Paola, Manuel, Ricky, Omri, Alex, Emily H, Erika, Anastasia, Walter, Nora, Emily MV, Danielle, Tiffany, Hannah, Elise, Isabel, Matt, Eduardo, Gema, Brandon, Gizelle, Luis, Rej'Ane
  • Big Goal: 86%
  • Class Average: 83%
  • Super Stars: Gabe, Chris, Samantha, Tyler, Anthony, Emma, Chad, Vitali, Lauren, Delila, Brenda, Matt, Heriberto, Alize, Christina

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week of 9/13/10 - 9/17/10


We are finishing our unit on Scientific Investigation this week, and students will take the unit test on Wednesday, September 15.  The best way for students to prepare for their first test is to study all class notes, practice vocabulary words, and review homework assignments.  Students will complete a foldable (study guide) in class on Monday.  It will be due on Wednesday and may be used during the test.  We will practice all measuring and metric skills during the Metric Olympics in class on Tuesday.  Please encourage your student to stop in during lunch or after school on Tuesday to review for the test.  I will be there to provide students with additional help and extra practice on test topics.

Skills and knowledge tested on Wednesday will include:

  • Using the staircase and prefixes to make metric conversions
  • Measuring with a ruler in cm and mm
  • Reading a graduated cylinder
  • Reading a triple beam balance
  • Identifying observations (qualitative and quantitative) and inferences
  • Writing hypotheses
  • Identifying controls, constants, and variables in an experiment
  • Understanding mass, volume, temperature, and metric units

Monday (9/13): Work on foldable; Study for unit test on Wednesday
Tuesday (9/14): Finish foldable; Study for unit test tomorrow!
Wednesday (9/15): Test today!  No homework.
Thursday (9/16): None
Friday (9/17): Bring colored pencils on Monday

*Friday is the last day of the first grading period!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week of 9/7/10 - 9/10/10

It was great meeting parents and families at Back to School Night last Wednesday.  It certainly was a busy week, and I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

This week we will be reviewing our skills in graphing, using the metric system, and measuring. Students who have not turned in their signed Safety Contract by Wednesday will not be able to participate in the measuring activities later this week.  Parents - be sure to check the Parent Internet Viewer to make sure your student has turned in all required paperwork from the beginning of the year.  Students - if you need an extra copy of any of the handouts, please ask after class!

Tuesday (9/7): Graphing HW (front & back)
Wednesday (9/8): Metric Mania Conversion Challenge
Thursday (9/9): Volume Lab Report (Conclusions answered in complete sentences)
Friday (9/10): Begin studying! (See note below)

*A unit test is planned for next Wednesday, Sept. 15.  Students should begin reviewing their class work on observations, inferences, hypotheses, experimental design, variables, and all new material from this week!  More information will be given in class this week and early next week.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week of 8/30/10 - 9/03/10


Students will be assigned their physical science textbooks during class on Monday. Because we currently do not have enough books for a full in-class set and for each individual student to take home, textbooks will be kept safely in class so students have access to them during lessons.  Each student is responsible for the care of their textbook.  It is up to the student and their family to replace any lost or damaged books. These books are only a few years old, so it is essential that we take good care of them to ensure they last for many more years!  The books are a great resource for studying and practicing new material.  They will be used frequently in class and will also be needed to finish homework assignments.


Back to School Night is this Wednesday, September 1st!  Classrooms will be open from 6:00 pm to 7:35 pm to allow families to rotate through their student's schedule.  See the school website or the purple handout that was sent home with your student for more information.  I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Monday (8/30): Safety Contracts due; bring colored pencils to class tomorrow
Tuesday (8/31): Was Goldilocks a Scientist?
Wednesday (9/1): Hilarious Hypotheses and Observations & Inferences
Thursday (9/2): None
Friday (9/3): None

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week of 8/23/10 - 8/17/10

We successfully completed our first week of school and are off to a great start!  During the second week, we will be setting up our science binders, learning about malleable intelligence, setting class and personal goals for the year, and observing safe science lab practices.

A science baseline benchmark will also be given at the end of this week.  The benchmark does not count for a grade but is used to determine each student's initial skills and knowledge of physical science.  Four benchmarks are given throughout the year to monitor students' progress.


Monday (8/23): Scienceography (due Wednesday)
Tuesday (8/24): Scienceography
Wednesday (8/25): None
Thursday (8/26): None
Friday (8/27): Parents and students read, sign, & return Safety Contract

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week of 8/16/10 - 8/20/10

Homework for this week is as follows:

Monday (8/16): Scientific Summer (2 paragraphs)
Tuesday (8/17): Parents and students review and sign course syllabus (green sheet)
Wednesday (8/18): Parent/Guardian Letter & Survey (due Friday)
Thursday (8/19): None
Friday (8/20): Secret Student File (due Monday)

*All homework assignments are due the following day unless otherwise stated.

*Don't forget about the required class supplies that are due Monday 8/23!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Class Materials

Students are expected to come to class prepared everyday with the following supplies:

    • 3 #2, sharpened pencils
    • 1 pen, blue or black for correcting papers
    • 1 pencil sharpener with a holder for shavings
    • 1 set of coloring pencils
    • 1 highlighter
    • 1” three-ring-binder for science
    • 1 pack of 5 dividers
    • Binder paper which is 8.5” x 11” with three holes
      •  No torn spiral paper accepted
    • Willow Glen Middle School planner
    • Calculator (optional)
 An optional donation of $10 will be greatly appreciated for a lab fee.  Our class is very hands-on and includes many labs and activities that require consumable materials.  

Supplies are due Monday, August 23.


Welcome to 8th grade physical science!  

The science curriculum in grade eight emphasizes the study of physical science.  The standards in grade eight present many of the foundations of physics and chemistry, including motions, forces, structure of matter, reactions, and the periodic table.  Although these topics may seem challenging, we will learn how each one relates to daily life.  Students will have an opportunity to apply what we have learned by participating in relevant hands-on activities, making observations, and asking questions.